Saturday, February 26, 2011

End of Project Day trip

SOLAC decided to organise a day trip for the participants of the microfinance project on the 5th of January 2011. The aim of this event was for the participants of the different ASOLs to get to know each other through different activities and games. The event was also planned as an end of project activity where the participants and the project coordinators could spend a day together before the official ending of the pilot project. SOLAC organized the event in a countryside club in the town of Chosica (eastern periphery of Lima). The participants where divided into three groups for the day. Each team had to decide a name and participate to a series of activities such as a Volleyball tournament, dance competitions, musical chairs, etc. The event also included a lunch where several participants spontaneously decided to make a speech thanking SOLAC for the work carried out in Alto Perú. All the beneficiaries expressed their contentment with day trip and said it was a very nice way to spend a time with the SOLAC team before the end of the project.

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