Thursday, December 3, 2009

Change of plans for the training sessions

SOLAC had originally planned for the training sessions to start with the ASOL (Asociación Solidaria – Village Bank) of Unión Perú on Wednesday 2nd of December. However, after AVSI’s supporters visited the community of Santa Isabél on Monday the 30th of November, they required that the training opportunities be offered to all inhabitants of both communities, rather than just to the two ASOLs. Therefore, the beginning of the training sessions had to be postponed to give AVSI and SOLAC time to publicize the training sessions in the two communities and get more people to join that part of the project.

On Wednesday 2nd of December SOLAC and AVSI met the women of the ASOL ‘Corazón Sagrado de Jesús’ anyway to personally explain to them the reasons behind the change of plans, and coordinate with the President of the community, señora Katia Tellos, for a general assembly of the community to be held next week, so to inform the inhabitants of Unión Perú about the opening of this new opportunity. Subsequently, the same process will be followed for the community of Santa Isabél.

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