Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pre-disbursement meeting - Unión Perú

Last week, MF SOLAC finished the evaluation of all the participants of the group that had been formed in Unión Perú. The process allowed us to determine what amount each member could start off with in the first lending cycle.

On Wednesday the 25th of November, MF SOLAC met Prof. García Regál who has been invited by the NGO AVSI to be in charge of the workshops with Unión Perú. Our team took Prof. García Regál to the community where he was able to observe the living conditions of the members of the Village Bank and be introduced to a few women who will participate in the workshops. We also discussed the economic activity of each participant of the Village Bank in Unión Perú so that Prof. García Regál could adapt the workshops sessions to the specific small businesses that the participants are setting up.

On Monday 30th of November, the group will meet again to elect a Board of Directors composed of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer - who will be responsible for coordinating the meetings with SOLAC and promoting the participation of all members - and to sign the 'Acta de Constitución', a document which declares that the group is being formed, with a brief summary of its purposes and the names and signatures of all participants as well as the loan official representing SOLAC - Marta Dormal. The group will have the first workshop with Prof. Raúl García Regál from the Universitá Catolica on Wednesday the 2nd of December, which will be followed by the disbursement of the loans the following week, when the group will officially start its first six-month lending cycle.

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